Monday 31 January 2011


This is my piece that i did for this weeks task was dusty.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Illustration friday - CHICKENN

illustration frday

group crit:
  • need to make the image lighter.
  • use paint instead of pencil.
  • make the image larger.

Monday 10 January 2011

Greenwash Summary

Greenwashing is a claim, found in advertising, used buy company's to convince that there product is environmentally friendly (green). The confidence of the consumers is very low with only 10% trusting green information from buisness and governments. 

Signs of greenwashing: 
They use words with no clear meaning
Efficient light bulbs made in a factory what pollutes rivers
It could be right, but where is the evidence
Totally fabricated claims or data
Declaring you are slightly greener than the rest.